Viva Editions are books that inform, enlighten, and entertain. The very name, "Viva!", is celebratory. And while Viva Editions is a line of books that are as fun as they are informational, the intention behind Viva is very serious—these are books that are truly helpful and intended to enhance people's lives.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Juggling it all and staying centered. Here's how:

Forget about balance, find a way to center yourself

Stop trying for balance. Life is more like a teeter-totter moving up and down rather than sitting placidly suspended in the middle. But, no matter your circumstance, no matter how intense life feels, you can center yourself and move through the challenge with grace and calm.

Four ways to get centered:

1. Root yourself physically. Stand tall, align your feet with your shoulders and stand strong. As you do this, take a deep breath and imagine your energy emitting a beam of light into the core of the earth. This light empowers you, keeps you rooted in your space so that negative forces cannot bowl you over. Changing our physiology is one way to change our mood and by visualizing yourself aligned with the power of the Universe, you will literally feel more grounded.

2. Connect with nature. When we remind ourselves that we are a part of the natural environment, it’s easier to put things in perspective and center ourselves in our reality rather than the drama surrounding our lives. Go outside, and give attention to a tree in the yard, or the bee on the flower petal. Notice that nature, is perfect, in all of its complexity and know that you are a part of that perfection too. There is nothing to be fixed; it is all perfect as is. Even the trouble spots hold meaning.

3. Work from the heart. Get quiet. Take a deep breath and imagine everything emanating from the heart. In reality, most everything does, but we often lead with our heads rather than the pulsing source of energy in our chest. When you’re feeling out of whack, slow down and imagine filtering everything through your heart center. Do only the things that make it beat fast and strong in a rhythmic cadence. Eliminate all else. A sure way to find your center is to remember where it is and work from there.

4. Change the story. It’s easy to become disconnected and stressed when we focus on the difficulties in life. So, stop doing that. It’s so not helpful and most of the time, it isn’t even accurate. Often we create a story around our circumstance, embellishing the truth, projecting into the future, playing the “what if” game of life — you know the one where we start thinking “what if, the electricity goes out and I lose all the data on my computer and can’t turn in the report and the boss sends me to an outpost in Siberia, where my husband can’t cable so he divorces me…”

Embellishing the truth with usually implausible scenarios only contributes to our stress and stifles the productivity and creativity we need to deal with the duties at hand. You don’t have to create any story at all. Instead, take a clear-eyed look at the reality, without judgment or opinion. See the facts and consolidate it to a single sentence, then work with that. Take the drama out of your story and you diminish the drama in your life. Then you are grounded in the truth.

When you are centered within you are strong and clear despite the external factors that come into play. This is a power position and one that allows you to remain calm and find peace despite the craziness of everyday life.

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