Viva Editions are books that inform, enlighten, and entertain. The very name, "Viva!", is celebratory. And while Viva Editions is a line of books that are as fun as they are informational, the intention behind Viva is very serious—these are books that are truly helpful and intended to enhance people's lives.

Friday, July 31, 2009

8 Fabulous, Freaky, and Fun Facts!

8 Freakish Facts From Oddity Book Random Obsessions

Since the freakish “Random Obsessions: Trivia You Can’t Live Without” is officially among us, it’s time to find some of the most bizarre facts from the book to tease you with.

1. History: The original 1492 ship’s log of Christopher Columbus is missing. History has been written based on a copy scrawled by a Dominican friar obsessed with the original.
2. Unnatural Sciences: Dunkleosteus remains are often found by locating “fossil smiles” in cliff walls.
3. Puzzling Ailments: Rik Hemsley, who is afflicted with Alice in Wonderland Syndrome once said, “Everything shrinks. It’s like I’m looking through a telescope backwards.”
4. Idiosyncratic Inventions: In 1939 someone once designed a non-skid hot dog bun. No slippery weenies.
5. Odd Occupations: Candy Del Rio performed the “Obama Wonderama” burlesque show in Washington, D.C. A photo of her performance appeared in Newsweek magazine. She’s from Bakersfield, Calif.
6. Popular Films For Obsessive Fans: In early 2009, Brad Alexander, previsualization animator who worked on James Cameron’s “Avatar” for 4 years said, “It may very well be the best sci-fi movie ever made.”
7. Eccentric Authors: James Joyce, author of “Finnegan’s Wake” and “Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man” had many phobias including a fear of canines after suffering a dog bite as a youth.
8. Mysterious Places: There are rumored to be ghosts walking tunnels that can be accessed within sight of the famous “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada” sign.

Author Nick Belardes shows off “Random Obsessions: Trivia You Can’t Live Without”
Photo by Joseph Gomez

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Random and Weird on Face News is brought to you by Random Obsessions: Trivia You Need To Know by Nick Belardes. Want to know about strange ailments like Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, mysterious places like Cannibal Island, or Star Wars oddities? Click here to order.

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