Viva Editions are books that inform, enlighten, and entertain. The very name, "Viva!", is celebratory. And while Viva Editions is a line of books that are as fun as they are informational, the intention behind Viva is very serious—these are books that are truly helpful and intended to enhance people's lives.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hot off the press -Random Obsessions by Nick Belardes!

I am very pleased to announce that Nick Belardes' book Random Obsessions: Trivia You Can't Live Without is hot off the press and is a terrific book in every way.  It is smart, very funny, extremely well-researched, and a book I can be proud of in every way.

One of my favorite tidbits Belardes excavates is that Harrison Ford turned down an offer from George Lucas to have his own Star Wars spin-off movie series based on great rebel hero Han Solo. Part of me wishes he had said yes ( I love me some Star Wars) but I do admire Ford for his sheer class in not simply cashing in. I wonder how many of the tens of thousands of ComicCon attendees know this fun fact? They need to read Random Obsessions as that is the kind of trivia geeks cannot live without!

There is something for everyone in this book- great history, literary oddities -freaky facts about every subject you can imagine. Nick will be hitting the road in August for events, shows, and signings so please check back in so YOU, too, can meet "The PT Barnum of Bakersfield!"

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