Viva Editions are books that inform, enlighten, and entertain. The very name, "Viva!", is celebratory. And while Viva Editions is a line of books that are as fun as they are informational, the intention behind Viva is very serious—these are books that are truly helpful and intended to enhance people's lives.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

going for gratitude

Imperfect Spirituality

Posted: 23 May 2012 05:06 AM PDT
The moments before you fall asleep, can be among the most powerful and important of your day. They can be the catalyst for making your dreams come true. Or, they can be a time where you mentally run through all your anxieties, stresses, responsibilities and failings – dating back to your elementary school years, before falling into a sweaty half sleep.
But, you can kiss that night-time anxiety good-bye and set yourself up for success during the day ahead by choosing thoughts that support and uplift your rather than stress you out.
Instead of settling lackadaisically into that dreamlike state between consciousness and unconsciousness, use those minutes before sleep to focus your thoughts and buoy your spirit so that when you do drift off to sleep your unconscious goes to work creating positive beliefs and empowering feelings that will propel you into the day ahead.
Three ways to create powerful thoughts and feelings before sleep
Choose gratitude. Challenge yourself to find five things that you’re grateful for. Name them in your mind or aloud, and with each item pause and really experience the positive feelings of love and gratitude for this thing to roll through you. Stay focused. Give thought and emotion to each item. Do not go to sleep until you’ve come up with five.
Remake the day. Visualize the day in reverse. Notice what worked and what didn’t and then use your imagination to remake those less-than moments into your ideal day. Use your imagination to shape a positive reality.
Sleep with a mantra. Pick a power word. One that infuses you with energy and good feeling and possibility and repeat it as you drift off to sleep. Love is a good one. I like the energy of “yes” too. Or you can go with a quality that you’re working to attract into your life: peace, abundance, joy.
Any one of these little practices can help you form thoughts that will guide you toward a restful sleep and good day. Remember, your subconscious is operating even when you’re not, so give it positive material to work with.

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