Viva Editions are books that inform, enlighten, and entertain. The very name, "Viva!", is celebratory. And while Viva Editions is a line of books that are as fun as they are informational, the intention behind Viva is very serious—these are books that are truly helpful and intended to enhance people's lives.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Excerpt of the Day: "The Inspired Life" by Susyn Reeve and Joan Breiner

In need of an inspiration pick-me-up?  Look no further!  Susyn Reeve and Joan Breiner’s The Inspired Life is filled with definitions, quotes, life stories, exercises, and meditations meant to open your mind to the creative potential in every moment of daily life.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Our Invitation to You”

There have been many names for and descriptions of the times we are living in. Some consider this to be a New Age, others the Age of Aquarius. To some it is the End Times with doomsday quickly approaching. Some believe the end of the Mayan calendar is simply an astronomical occurrence while others define it as the end of civilization as we know it; still others say while it marks an end, it is a gateway to a new beginning of peace and cooperation among all peoples.

Charles Dickens’s words from his classic novel continue to ring true today.

The worst of times: When watching and listening to news reports it becomes clear that there is currently much strife and cruelty in the world: war, genocide, ethnic cleansing, the stoning of women, which always amazes me since the ones hurling the stones were birthed through the bodies of women—their mothers. Economic conditions throughout the world are worse than they have been in decades. The divide between the rich and the poor widens daily as the middle class disappears. Children are starving throughout the world while the military budgets of nations get larger and larger. In the United States partisan politics is so focused on who is “right” and who is “wrong” that it seems that issues—even the role and purpose of government itself—get lost in the desire to win elections. Corporate greed and government scandals fill the airwaves and leaders are not trusted. News pundits weave stories of fear and terror as their nightly offering. Natural disasters seem to be rapidly increasing. Is the current recurrence of bedbugs a plague in our midst? Hate crimes based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation abound. Not only is there hatred among racial and ethnic groups throughout the world, families can’t even get along.

The best of times: Since the first photograph, the famous “Blue Marble,” in which Earth is in full view was taken on December 7, 1972, as the Apollo 17 crew left Earth’s orbit, there is no doubt that we are One—one humanity on one planet. Since that time, our inter-connectedness and inter-dependence has been made more and more evident through the Internet via Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, which offer instant access to social networks and worldwide communities (and playing a significant role in the call for democracy in the Middle East); the global economy and the resources and support that are readily offered, not only by governments, but also by people throughout the world within hours of reports of disasters. Advances in research have provided life-saving procedures and remedies. Educational opportunities abound. There is a global movement afoot honoring Mother Earth, our true home. Green industries are becoming mainstream. At the same time the evolution of consciousness continues with more and more people committing to live Gandhi’s words, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Individuals and groups are reaching across borders and boundaries in the name of peace. Women throughout the world are stepping forward committed to peace and our voices are growing and the fruits of these labors are being felt.

Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit lead “Calling in the One” and “Feminine Power Mastery” tele-classes with thousands of participants representing more than fifty countries worldwide. In these programs, women and men in a community of support declare their commitment to live their inspired life visions, to be love made manifest in their relationships with themselves, their families, and their local and global communities.

Whatever you may believe, isn’t now the time to enrich your life by affirming and committing to your inspired life vision? At the very least, living your vision offers you the possibility of greater joy, fulfillment, and happiness. And, at best, as you put your stake in the ground for living a more peaceful and loving life, your consciousness generating your actions contributes to the collective consciousness of the Greater Field of Life, and love grows and peace expands for all.

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